Sunday, June 28, 2009

Baby Reborn - Yes it is the same machine

Photos taken with the new camera.                                             This Baby was made in Japan. She looks more like the Federation, foreign in Glenda Thomas book P121 Plate 2-322 than the machine on P141 Plate2-383.


You can see the lettering made in Japan very clearly on the plate.


Amazing how much you can now see of the gold lettering


The Woodwork has cleaned up beautifully and Rob has reshellaced just like it would have been.

babycaseafWeb2 The Blue of the case did not photograph well. It is a more deeper blue than this and I cannot get it quite right. Notice how you can see the word Baby now which was not visible before. Will try and take the photo again but the tone of the colour is more like the before shot. Maybe it is just the quilter in me being fussy ;~0

Have a Great Day  Cheers Lynne

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